How to Make Your Website More Scannable

Making a website scannable certainly has all sorts of different advantages that are more than worth bearing in mind. With so many people short on time in the modern world, you cannot expect that people are going to stick around for an extended period of time. Not only this, but there are also certain benefits regarding the SEO side of your site. First of all, people are more likely to discover the site in the first place. Not only this, but you are taking action to keep them there, ensuring that that all-important bounce rate is as low as it possibly can be. So, here are a few tips and tricks that can help to keep your site in a more scannable condition.

Start With the Home Page

As the home page is the one that people and bots are going to land on in the first place, this is the one that you need to put your initial time and attention into. It is certainly important that you know what you are going to do from an SEO perspective and you are following all of the appropriate rules on this front. In this way, it is certainly a good idea that you look to a professional agency such as Menerva Digital as they can play a central role in getting this right for you. Once you have the home page as it needs to be, you are then in a much better position to be able to move on and deal with the rest of it one page at a time.

Test every page

Obviously, you are going to be focusing on the home page (as has just been mentioned in the section just above this one), but you also need to test each and every one of your pages in turn. Once people have moved away from the home page as an initial starting point, you are then going to be steering them to take a look at the other pages on the site. If they find that some of them are not as scannable as they would like them to be, it is more than likely that they are simply going to click away and go to one of your competitors.

Think about text amount and positioning

People are unlikely to go to a site and read reams and reams of text. Instead, you need to make sure that you are using the words on the page with as much wisdom as possible. Not only this, but you should consider the positioning of the words and how everything can be made attractive and easy for the eye to be drawn to. Again, this is all going to come down to the extensive testing that is so useful in such a wide range of ways.

These three points should all have an impact on ensuring that your site is as scannable as it possibly can be. Therefore, it is more than worth following these points and doing more to make your site easy to scan through.