How To Run Apk Files On PC Without Emulator (windows 10,8)

How-To-Run-Apk-Files-On-PC Without-Emulator

There is a range of different ways to run Android applications on your device. For eg. BlueStacks is a cloud-based virtual machine that optimizes Android apps for PCs. But as you know that without an emulator you can not download apps on a PC. Downloading emulators on the computer is one of the difficult tasks moreover it takes more memory also if you download emulators then it slows down your computer. The PC also not working properly. If you want to access the full version of Android without an emulator, then this is the right place,

Here Today I am gonna share with you the working method How to run apk files on a PC without emulators. With the help of this legal method, you can able to run apk file to your PC, Laptop/desktop. So let’s start

Run android apps on pc using Chrome Extension

To Run android Apps, you will need ARC Welder a Chrome extension that allows you to run them directly from your navigator via APK files, which is the simplest method of running android apps on a PC. This helps you to run applications that are native to Google’s operating system using your navigator’s unified interface.

Steps to Run an APK file on PC

1)First download the Chrome Browser” for your Laptop/PC.

2) Go to the chrome web store and install the ARC Welder extension.

3) After clicking on the “plus sign (+)” and “add your APK” file into the ARC Welder, it may take a few seconds.

4) Click “Open” and then select the “Device“(i.e Tablet or Phone) on which you want to run your app.

5) Tap on “Test Button” to test the Apps Running or not.

6) Last, click the “Launch App” button.

The method is should be working on windows10, 8 versions, just need to download the Chrome Extension from the chrome store and follow above steps.

Read More: iOS emulator for Pc, Windows and Mac